
The shape of our voice


When used effectively, typography adds a special dimension and distinction to communications. The relationship between fonts gives our messages their unique voice. Follow these typographic standards to ensure consistency and inject personality wherever you write for Pendo.

Type stack

We use two sans serif typefaces for all Pendo brand and marketing materials: Sora and Inter.


Sora is our Display font. It is an open source font designed for clarity in the digital world. Analytical yet approachable, Sora balances our expressive visual aesthetic with a grounded and informative tone. It should be used for prominent headlines, short quotes, and punchy callouts. You can download Sora here.


Inter is our Workhorse font. It is an open source font designed specifically for user interfaces. Fine-tuned for clarity and legibility, Inter makes communicating data a breeze. It should be used for longer-form copy, small headlines, and data. You can download Inter here.

Type scale


Headings sit at the top of typographic hierarchy and are used to convey succinct, high-level messaging. They typically appear in hero components or are used to separate sections.

Software that makes your software better

Heading 1: Sora bold 68/68

Software that makes your software better

Heading 2: Sora bold 54/54

Software that makes your software better

Heading 3: Sora bold 40/45


Subheads are often paired with large display headings to add additional context.

Software that makes your software better

Subhead 1: Inter regular 40/45

Software that makes your software better

Subhead 2: Inter bold 34/40


This style is used for customer and employee quotations or any other callout information that lives within a section or block of text.

“Software that makes your software better”

Quotation: Sora regular 22/32


This is the style used for all blocks of copy throughout our website and editorial assets.

Empower your teams with comprehensive product analytics to inform data-driven decisions. Know which features users adopt, which they ignore, and see how they navigate your entire product portfolio.

Paragraph: Inter regular 18/27


A few additional, commonly used styles.

Software that makes your software better

Caption: Inter regular 14/18

Software that makes your software better

Label: Inter bold caps 18/27


A few examples of common pairings found on our website and in marketing materials.

Get started with Pendo

Software that makes your software better

Label: Inter bold caps 18/27 + Heading 1: Sora bold 68/68

Software that makes your software better

Helping you deliver better digital experiences for happier and more productive users

Heading 1: Sora bold 68/68 + Subhead 1: Inter regular 40/45

Software that makes your software better

Empower your teams with comprehensive product analytics to inform data-driven decisions. Know which features users adopt, which they ignore, and see how they navigate your entire product portfolio.

Subhead 2: Inter bold 34/40 + Paragraph: Inter regular 18/27


Download our font pack here.

© 2025 Pendo.io, All Rights Reserved. Pendo trademarks, product names, logos and other marks and designs are trademarks of Pendo.io, Inc. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without permission.