The mark that defines us

Pendo exists to elevate the world’s experience with software. It is important to us that our logo reflects that goal clearly and concisely. Our logomark, known as the ‘chevron’, always points up and to the right—directing and guiding towards growth and improvement. Use of the logo should follow the guidelines below so that we always present a consistent image to the world.
This two-color version of our horizontal lockup should be used whenever possible. Primary dark should be used on lighter neutral backgrounds and primary light can be used on darker neutral backgrounds.
Primary dark
Primary light
Secondary (one-color)
The single color versions of our horizontal lockup can be used on backgrounds that contain colors or imagery that make the preferred logo illegible.
Secondary charcoal
Secondary pink
Secondary white
The Pendo chevron can be used as a supporting element in places where the brand is already established or as a decorative element. This icon can only appear in white or pink, never in charcoal unless it does so as part of the secondary horizontal lockup above. It should never be used as the sole logomark on outward facing collateral.
Chevron pink
Chevron white
The Pendo logo should always be clearly visible and unobscured. It should be separated from all other visual elements by a distance equal to the height and width of the Pendo chevron. When used alone, the Pendo chevron should be separated from all other visual elements by a distance equal to half its height and width. Think of the logo as our signature. The more we keep it intact, the more recognizable and valuable it will be.
Horizontal lockup clearspace = 1x chevron
Chevron clearspace = 1/2 chevron
Minimum width
To preserve legibility, the Pendo logo should not appear smaller than 100px digitally. The Pendo logo should not be smaller than 1” wide when printed on paper products, and 1.5” wide when printed on fabric or other physical materials.
100px wide
Print (paper)
1" wide
Print (other)
1.5" wide
Logo misuse
To ensure the logo appears clearly and represents the brand properly, do not make the following alterations to its appearance.
Scew or distort any part of the logo
Add additional elements

Add effects such as drop shadows or gradients
Change the color of any elements
Rotate or change the orientation of any elements
Cut off or obscure any portion of the logo
Intellectual property
The Pendo brand, including Pendo trademarks, copyrights, and domains, is one of Pendo’s most valuable assets. It helps distinguish Pendo’s products and services from those of Pendo’s competitors and signifies to the public the high quality of those products and services. Click here to view our guidelines.
Adhering to the guidelines helps protect Pendo’s valuable intellectual property rights and strengthens Pendo’s corporate and brand identity, and we thank you for helping us preserve our brand and these rights.
Learn more
© 2025 Pendo.io, All Rights Reserved. Pendo trademarks, product names, logos and other marks and designs are trademarks of Pendo.io, Inc. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without permission.